This site gives support to local authors and leans towards the speculative fiction genre.

Speculative Fiction Books That Convey An Insightful Knowledge Of Human Existence
We need words to make sense of reality. We desire to see things as they are, so our ideas can see past stereotypes and convey an insightful knowledge of human existence in all its wonderful variety. Good speculative fiction creates supernatural, technological, physical, and political worlds, which don’t need clichéd ideas or populist propaganda.

Books I recommend about the world around us
The world is descending past its tipping point so fast, we may not be able to fix it, even with gaffer tape. These books explain how we are in this together. They are about the beauty and the mess that is humanity.

Recommended feel-good books
Feel-good books must be hard to write because well-written ones are hard to find. Here are some books I have enjoyed. To be a feel-good book it must give an affinity for a place or a situation, without challenging prejudices. The stories may even, for example, embrace things like how lucky we are that rich, white, heterosexual men have gone to lots of trouble to gain control over all of us. I can't write stuff like this, but It is important not to read too many books that make you feel unworthy.

Recommended classic books to read

Red Rising: Red Rising Series 1, by Pierce Brown
Trouble on Teral

The Lost Man, by Jane Harper

The Lascar's Dagger by Glenda Larke

Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton
Although the title is over the top, this is a great Australian book.

Nightfall (Clemhorn) by Andrew J Harvey
Nightfall (Clemhorn) has not just one world to explore but fifty-four parallel Earths.